Xperial L 15.3.A.0.27 firmware certified by PTCRB – Bug Fixing Update

Sony recently crowned Xperia L with android 4.2.2 15.3.A.0.26 firmware update with which Xperia L joined the elite club of Xperia Z series which were already on android 4.2.2 firmware a lot ago. Thought the 15.3.A.0.26 firmware update brought many new features on Xperia L but with it brought some bugs too.

Xperial L 15.3.A.0.27 firmware ( android 4.2.2 ) is recently certified on PTCRB, a minor bug fixing update over previous android 4.2.2 15.3.A.0.26 firmware. 15.3.A.0.27 firmware is spotted for both Xperia L C2105 and C2104. No ETA for the 15.3.A.0.27 firmware update yet. We saw many users who were asking us to post previous firmware builds which clearly states that the current firmware has some serious bugs.

No specific date is there for the release of 15.3.A.0.27 firmware but it should come soon hopefully, a delightful news for all Xperia L owners. Sony has recently exposed its plans for android 4.3 update and android 4.4 update. It is very much clear not that android 4.3 will not come to Xperia L but it should be in the second batch of devices getting android 4.4 update next year.

Let us know Xperia L users what bugs you are currently facing on android 4.2.2 15.3.A.0.26 firmware, drop your comments below.

Ashish Kumar: Co-Founder & Senior Editor at GizmoBolt.com and founded Android Gyan back in July 2011. Currently pursuing his B.Tech from IIT Roorkee. He loves photography and travelling and is always open for discussions and communication regarding start-ups, marketing, branding, and gadgets. Follow him at Facebook I Twitter I Google+. DONATE US. Contact him at ashish@gizmobolt.com

View Comments (24)

  • The only bug I report is the status/notification bar, that doesn't move down sometimes, and only get back tô work when I restart the phone

  • current bugs in Sony Xperia L 15.3.A.0.26 firmware-
    - walkman widget not working in lockscreen
    - touchscreen problem while charging
    - when scrolling images in album, the topmost portion of screen responds slowly. it looks like imges are tearing there.
    - when we click on transfer data to sd card, then it says Unfortunately Settings has stopped.
    - when we open any image from album widget, it says Unfortunately Xperia Home has stopped.
    - sometimes media sound is routed to the ear speaker. all media sounds come from the front speaker instead of loudspeaker. it can damage the ear speaker.
    - sometimes phone reboots automatically when earphone is connected.

    • "sometimes media sound is routed to the ear speaker. all media sounds come from the front speaker instead of loudspeaker. it can damage the ear speaker." - I've got the same, most annoying... looking forward for new update...

  • The left 10 pixel (maybe10) is late when sliding.

    1 time its restarted
    2 times its' used the front speaker not the back one.

  • Serious bug from the update to android 4.2.2.
    - When playing music on my phone, the lock screen when constantly refresh itself (luckily i can still unlock my screen when it refresh itself)
    - The album art has a pixel look

  • I am also facing all the bugs mentioned above, plus i also have a problem with the folders i.e after creating folders, if i restart my phone then most of the apps come out of the folder, and the folder becomes empty :(.

    • you can solve this problem by software repair option in pc companion. i had also this problem, but i repaired and its fine now. first backup your data on internal storage, because all data will be lost in repair. open pc companion, go to support Zone, click on software repair. it will reinstall the software. you need an internet connection for this.

  • current bugs in Sony Xperia
    L 15.3.A.0.26 firmware-
    - walkman widget not
    working in lockscreen
    - touchscreen problem
    while charging
    - when scrolling images in
    album, the topmost portion
    of screen responds slowly.
    it looks like imges are
    tearing there.
    -during operation of multiple applications it automatically screen off
    -sometimes it shows error during video recording
    -lagging of applications and the home screen also
    - - when we click on transfer
    data to sd card, then it
    says Unfortunately Settings
    has stopped.
    - when we open any image
    from album widget, it says
    Unfortunately Xperia Home
    has stopped.
    - sometimes media sound
    is routed to the ear
    speaker. all media sounds
    come from the front
    speaker instead of
    loudspeaker. it can damage
    the ear speaker.
    - sometimes phone reboots
    automatically when
    earphone is connected.

  • All the above bug in addition if I add multiple recipient in message contact list it shows error "Invalid number(s):[and 1 more]", Some recipient(s) will not receive the message with the invalid number(s). Send anyway?" with No, Yes button.

      • No, I have allready done factory reset and nothing changed. In support forum many users wrote the same issue and nothing helped, reseting, repairing, nothing. I expected that it should be repaired with this new firmware.

      • http://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Xperia-L/Playlists-and-shortcuts-lost-after-restart/td-p/429391/page/3

        Community Manager Johan
        Community Manager
        Posts: 7,576
        Registered: ‎2010-11-12
        Re: pls rectify this error during next update


        This will be fixed in next software update.

        Thanks for reporting this to us.

        Unfortunately I don't have any timings for the next software release at the moment.

        Don't forget to mark posts that answers the topic as Accepted Solution.
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  • Image quality is very bad, the flash just make the picture darker, and the screen being flickering when it in the lowest brightness

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