Categories: Apps

Sony Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 app update – Improved navigation menu

Sony has updated its Walkman app to newer version 8.4.A.1.4 which brings many noticeable changes in the app. Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 app update is confirmed on many Xperia devices running android 4.3 and android 4.4 versions.  Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 update is 11 MB in size, available as OTA on Xperia Z1, Z2, Z, ZL, ZR, Z Ultra, SP, M2 etc.

Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 app brings new update menu navigation system with new icons. Now you can open detailed views directly from Walkman home screen. Go to artist and album from any music item and as usual there are some regular bug fixes and performance enhancement.

Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 app

Check your update center app for notification.

Download Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 app

If you haven’t got update yet download the apk from below. Install it normally, works on non rooted devices also.

Download com.sonyericsson.music-1.apk

Install  Walkman 8.4.A.1.4 app update on your device and let us know if you see anything else noticeable in this update. Drop your comments below.

Thanks Sándor, Aman, Rimas for the Tip!

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.

View Comments (4)

  • Thanks, worked on my non rooted Xperia C android 4.2. Was wondering how long it will take sony to add the simple shortcut of going to the album/artist of the song playing. I been waiting on it since I got my phone in November.almost changed to power amp because of it

  • Hi Anurag, You can find the latest walkman for 4.1+ devices in Xperia S section.
    I'm telling this just to let you know that it has already been ported :)

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