Looking for some media album app for your android phone ? Try this OnePlus One Gallery app from OnePlus One phone itself. OnePlus One is now with many users world wide ( those have invites to buy ). OnePlus One Gallery app follows the flat icon UI style look.
In OnePlus One Gallery version 1018 app, menu slides down from left side. You can also add photos from your Facebook, Google+, Flickr and Dropbox account after signing in.
OnePlus One Gallery app
Download OnePlus One Gallery app from below and install it like a normal apk on rooted handsets. Unrooted users can also try installing it, for some it worked. It is confirmed working on stock android 4.4.4 Nexus 5, stock 4.4.4 Xperia Z1.
Download GalleryNext.apk
If we compare OnePlus One Gallery app to Sony Album app, we liked Sony’s Album app more due to better look and functionality.
Install the app and let us know if it worked on your device. Drop your comments below.
Source – XDA
Yup, Sony’s app looks way better.
It works on Sony Xperia Z1S