Xperia Z2, Z2 Tablet 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware Android 4.4.4 certified

After a long wait Android 4.4.4 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware has been certified for Xperia Z2 and Xperia Z2 Tablet. Sony first updated Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z Ultra on android 4.4.4 version and later on updated Xperia T2 Ultra family on android 4.4.3 version though it was weird that the then flagship model Xperia Z2 was left out in cold without an update.

23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware is certified for all models of Xperia Z2 and Xperia Z2 Tablet globally which clearly means the roll out is very near now. If you noticed Sony has adopted a new firmware number series i.e. 23.0.X.X.X.XXX for Xperia Z2 series now which clearly means a major update over older Android 4.4.2 17.1.2.A.0.314 firmware and may be a new UI like Xperia Z3.

[ UPDATE -4 Nov 2014 Xperia Z2, Z2 Tablet 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware Android 4.4.4 update rolling – PS4 Remote play, Hi-Res Audio, DSEE HX included

Xperia Z2 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware certified

Below you can see 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware certification of Xperia Z2 on PTCRB.

Xperia Z2 Tablet 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware certified

Below you can see 23.0.1.A.0.167 firmware certification of Xperia Z2 Tablet on PTCRB.

We will keep you updated as when android 4.4.4 firmware update starts rolling for Xperia Z2 and Xperia Z2 Tablet. Let us know if you are facing any bugs on your present firmware. Drop your comments below.

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.

View Comments (3)

  • Woohoo, finally.
    Cant wait for this ne update to see what sony have to offer to us.
    I hope all new Xperia Z3 system features gets ported to my Xperia Z2.
    Thank you gizmobolt for your amazing news, you are the best.

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