Sony launches Countdown Timer app for SmartBand Talk SWR30

Sony has launched a Countdown Timer app for Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30 at Play Store today, so if you are a SmartBand Talk user try it today. Using Countdown Timer app you can set a timer and your SmartBand Talk rings and vibrate when time is up.

Countdown Timer app needs Android 4.4 KitKat running up on your device. It gets integrated with Sony SmartBand Talk app itself once installed.

Countdown Timer app

Download Countdown Timer app version 1.00.04 from below Play Store link.

Do check out our  hands on experience of Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30 in pics.

Hands on Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30 – First Impression

Let us know if app works as said. Drop your comments below.

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.
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