Categories: Apps

Sony TrackID 4.1.B.0.14 app updated – Bug fixing update

Sony has updated its TrackID app to newer 4.1.B.0.14 version from older 4.1.B.0.12 version. Sony TrackID 4.1.B.0.14 app brings same old changelog like previous version; material design UI, big fixes, faster recognition speed and support for Android Wear.

TrackID is Sony’s official app to identify the music track playing. It need internet connectivity to find the tracks. Sony TrackID app works on all Xperia handset running Android 4.2+. ( works on Android 4.1 also for a few handsets )

Sony TrackID 4.1.B.0.14 app

Download Sony TrackID 4.1.B.0.14 app from below Play Store link.

Download the Sony TrackID 4.1.B.0.14 apk from below and install normally.

Download com.sonyericsson.trackid-1.apk

Facing any bugs, let us know. Drop your comments below.

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.
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