Posted on Mar 2 2015 - 3:11pm by Anurag Kumar

Sony has introduced BKB50 Bluetooth keyboard exclusively for Xperia Z4 Tablet at MWC 2015, allowing you to convert your tablet into a laptop mode. Sony BKB50 Keyboard has NFC, Bluetooth as connectivity option to pair it with tablet and comes with easy docking to put in your tablet.

Sony BKB50 Keyboard is very similar to keyboard of a 13″ laptop, 383 grams in weight, 254×170 mm in dimensions,  and comes with a touchpad for easy navigation .

Sony BKB50 Keyboard

Sony BKB50 Keyboard comes with 430 mAh battery with 1 month of battery life (typing text 2 hours/day) and a micro USB port for charging.

Check out the Sony BKB50 Keyboard docked into Xperia Z4 Tablet and turning it into a laptop.

Sony BKB50 Keyboard price

Sony BKB50 Keyboard Review

Sony BKB50 Bluetooth keyboard with Xperia Z4 Tablet

Sony BKB50 Bluetooth Keyboard

Sony BKB50 Keyboard hands on

Sony BKB50  turns Xperia Z4 Tablet into a Laptop

Sony BKB50 Keyboard

Sony BKB50 keyboard with Z4 Tablet
Xperia Z4 Tablet Laptop mode via Sony BKB50

How to turn Xperia Z4 Tablet into a Laptop

Sony BKB50 Bluetooth Keyboard profile

Sony BKB50 Keyboard pics

Check out Sony’s main attraction for MWC 2015 below :

Xperia Z4 Tablet full specifications and photo gallery.

Xperia M4 Aqua full specifications and photo gallery.

Sony BKB50 Keyboard price is unknown yet and is expected to be launched when Xperia Z4 Tablet hits market.

Source – Sony Mobile | Image Credits : TheVerge

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1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. m July 31, 2015 at 9:01 pm - Reply

    besides looking ? links or ability to purchase might not be a bad idea. BRAIN FART TIME !

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