Sony h.ear go Wireless Speakers Design Video – Specifications to be out soon

A few hours left for Sony’s press conference at CES 2016 and it’s first announcement has come already. We will be seeing Sony’s new wireless speakers h.ear go at CES 2016.

Sony h.ear go Wireless Speakers will be launched in 4 colors viz. red, black, blue and yellow. As seen in the video, speakers are compatible with High-Resolution Audio.

Sony h.ear go Wireless Speakers Design Video

Check out the Sony h.ear go Wireless Speakers design video below.

Exact specifications of Sony h.ear go Wireless Speakers are unknown for the time being, but soon they will be out (most probably after the CES 2016 press conference).

Drop your comments below.

Source – CES 2016

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.
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