Categories: AppsSony

Captain America vs Iron Man Xperia Themes Collection

Captain America: Civil War Movie released recently worldwide, 3rd edition in the series and the fans around the world are talking about Spider Man’s role in the movie, and the fantastic team Captain America vs Team Iron Man fight scenes, we have listed some of the cool Xperia themes featuring around it.

Below you will find Xperia Themes based on movie Civil War, Iron Man and Captain America with cool wallpapers and customised widgets for your Xperia devices.

Xperia Captain America Civil War Theme

Download Xperia Captain America Civil War Theme from the below link –  It works on both KitKat and Lollipop running Xperia devices, no root needed.

Xperia Captain America Theme

Download Xperia Captain America Theme from below link. It needs Xperia device running Android 5.0.2+ Lollipop to install the theme (no root needed)

Xperia Iron Man Theme

Download Xperia Iron Man theme from below link. You need rooted Xperia device with Android 5.0 running and SuperUser Mod installed to install the theme.

Xperia Iron Man Theme

Download Xperia Lollipop Iron Man theme apk from below link. You need Xperia device running Android 5.0.2+ Lollipop to install the theme.


Check out more Xperia Themes here.

Like the themes, let us know. Drop your comments below.

Theme by RaKeshxtremepredador (2), abo hani

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.
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