Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 Firmware Update rolled – STAMINA MODE included

Two days back Sony rolled Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update for Xperia Z5 series and now it is live for Xperia Z3+ and Xperia Z3+ Dual also along with Xperia Z4 Tablet.

32.2.A.0.224 firmware brings STAMINA MODE back to Xperia devices which was earlier removed in initial Marshmallow firmware update by Sony Mobile.

Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 Firmware Update

Check out about phone screenshot of 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update for Xperia Z3+.

Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 firmware ftf

Download Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 firmware ftf from the below link. Flash the ftf on your device (no root, no unlocking of bootloader required, Tutorial here).

For E6553

Download E6553_32.2.A.0.224_CustomizedIT.ftf


Download E6533_32.2.A.0.224_MY.ftf

If you have already updated your device, let us know if you have noticed any other major changes.

Drop your comments below.

Source – XDA (shared by Quarx, Tantawi)

Anurag Kumar: Blogging as a hobby. Sales & Marketing Professional. MBA (IB) from IIFT Delhi (2015-17). Founder & Editor-in-Chief of GizmoBolt.com ( formerly XperiaGuide.com ) , TipsySafarnama.com & TipsyChai.com. Follow at Facebook I Twitter I Google Plus | LinkedIn | Instagram. Contact at anurag@gizmobolt.com for feedback and sending tips. Donate Us.

View Comments (3)

  • I downloaded the Z3+ tft and it can't be detected on flashtool, I can see others but not this one

  • Stamina mode bull shit nothing but battery power saving mode. Battery is draining like hell. Google play service is the main culprit. Little bit lagging issue. Sound improved camera defocus started working for me. Need to improve battery a lot. Few apps not working like Vodafone app while switch between two accounts, only primary account working .

  • I agree, this is not stamina mode its just power saving mode because with Lollipop's stamina not all my apps got suspended and i could still receive mails and do sync especially when scren was on, in short background data was balanced such that i dont sacrifice convenience, I could choose what the level of background activity or performance to allow. This stamina in this build is just something Sony did to look like they care about customers while still keeping doze in full control. I'm very disappointed, I'm never buying any other future Sony smartphone with this kind of battery performance.

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