Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 Firmware Update rolled – STAMINA MODE included

Two days back Sony rolled Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update for Xperia Z5 series and now it is live for Xperia Z3+ and Xperia Z3+ Dual also along with Xperia Z4 Tablet.

32.2.A.0.224 firmware brings STAMINA MODE back to Xperia devices which was earlier removed in initial Marshmallow firmware update by Sony Mobile.

Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 Firmware Update

Check out about phone screenshot of 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update for Xperia Z3+.

Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 Firmware Update

Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 firmware ftf

Download Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 firmware ftf from the below link. Flash the ftf on your device (no root, no unlocking of bootloader required, Tutorial here).

For E6553

Download E6553_32.2.A.0.224_CustomizedIT.ftf


Download E6533_32.2.A.0.224_MY.ftf

Xperia Z3+ 32.2.A.0.224 STAMINA MODE

If you have already updated your device, let us know if you have noticed any other major changes.

Drop your comments below.

Source – XDA (shared by Quarx, Tantawi)

Xperia Z5 32.2.A.0.224 firmware rolling – Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update

A few hours back we posted that 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update is about to come soon and now Sony Mobile has just started rolling Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 32.2.A.0.224 firmware on Xperia Z5, Xperia Z5 Compact and Xperia Z5 Premium.

Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow 32.2.A.0.224 firmware is confirmed for Xperia Z5 E6653, E6603, E6683, E6633 in regions like Turkey, Singapore, Australia, Thailand and is available via Xperia Companion for the time being.

Xperia Z5 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update

Xperia Z5 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update brings STAMINA MODE back along with usual bugs fixing and performance enhancement.

Xperia Z5 32.2.A.0.224 firmware update

Xperia Z5 32.2.A.0.224 firmware ftf

Download Xperia Z5 32.2.A.0.224 firmware ftf from the below link. Flash the ftf on your device (no root, no unlocking of bootloader required, Tutorial here).

For E6653

Download E6653_32.2.A.0.224_Russia_by

STAMINA MODE is back in 32.2.A.0.224 firmware

If you have already updated your device, let us know if you have noticed any other major changes.

Drop your comments below.

Source – XDA (Image Credits: Phazonclash | FTF shared by: Ben Ling)