Sony introduced new lock screen effect when Xperia Z2 was launched and that is continued till today. If you are looking for a modded lockscreen effect then you might want to try below posted butterfly effect on lockscreen of your Xperia device. Sony will be introducing a new lockscreen in Android 5.0.2 update, take a look at it on Xperia M4 Aqua.
You need rooted Xperia handset, running Android 4.4+ to install modded butterfly effect on lockscreen of your Xperia device. Copy the apk to system/app folder, set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot.
Butterfly Effect on lockscreen
Download the modded Xperia lockscreen from below, do take a backup of your original lockscreen before using this one.
Check out the butterfly effect on lockscreen of Xperia device in motion…
Thanks for the tip, Bách Nguyễn (developer)