Recently Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi version was spotted on AnTuTu benchmark database where it scored massive 35073 points and almost all major specifications were leaked. Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi sports Snapdragon 800 MSM8074 SoC processor and 6.4″ HD screen with no baseband seen, apart from that similar specs like Xperia Z Ultra, it feature Adreno 330 GPU, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB internal storage and 8 MP rear cam.
It has been speculated from the same day that whether SGP412 is a 6.4″ inch version new Sony Tablet or Xperia Z Ultra Wi-Fi version, well now it is 100% confirmed that Sony SGP412 is Xperia Z Ultra Wi-Fi only version as per the specifications, real photos and user manual Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi as seen on FCC just now.
UPDATE – 22 Jan ]
Xperia Z Ultra Wi-Fi SGP412 Tablet Launched in Japan for 51800 Yen / $497
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi Real Photos Leaked
FCC has updated now all internal and external test photos of Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi. Let’s have a detailed look.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi photo during water resistant test.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi dimension is 18 cm in length.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi dimension is 9 cm in breadth.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi – Dismantle Tear Down Pics
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi Battery Sample
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi is fitted with 3000 mAh Ii-ion battery model LIS1520ERPC
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi – Internal Parts Assembly
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi opened from Back and dismantled.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi – SAR Test Photos
Below you can find the pics of this portable UMPC mini-tablet during SAR test.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi User Manual
Find below the various parts info of Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi version.
If you want to download the basic manual of Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi version then check the below link.
Download Sony SGP421 User Manual.pdf
We are hoping that whenever Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi version comes in market it should be launched cheap otherwise will simply but the GSM/LTE Xperia Z Ultra version but those specs don’t come cheap.
What do you think about Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi, will you buy a Wi-Fi version only if it comes out soon may be at MWC 2014 even. Drop your comments below.
Thanks Ben 🙂