Sony Mobile has released its official statement on roll out of Android Lollipop update once they missed the February roll out date. As per Sony’s official statement “We’re finalising testing, still focused on rolling out soon. We’re optimising #Lollipop for *entire* Xperia Z Series – more news soon”, it seems users have to wait more now for Lollipop update.
Sony has again given an ETA for Lollipop update in form of “rolling out soon” but how soon is soon they forgot to tell. As per Sony’s tweet it seems they are focusing on releasing stable update but how stable the updates will be, time will tell.
Sony’s official word on Lollipop update
Below you can see the tweet made by Sony.
We’re finalising testing, still focused on rolling out soon. We’re optimising #Lollipop for *entire* Xperia Z Series – more news soon ^JM
— Sony Xperia News (@SonyMobileNews) March 2, 2015
At MWC 2015 Xperia Z4 Tablet and Xperia M4 Aqua were found running Android 5.0.2 Lollipop firmware and it seems now Sony will also directly roll Android 5.0.2 Lollipop update on Xperia “Z” series.
Sony has mentioned Android 5.0 Lollipop update for following Xperia “Z” series devices on software update page recently viz. Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z1 (Z1s), Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia Z2, Xperia Z3(Z3 Dual), Xperia Z3 Compact, Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact, Xperia Z2 Tablet, Xperia Tablet Z.
For the time being there is no ETA for the Android Lollipop update roll out except the word “soon” from Sony!
We will keep you updated once the Lollipop update roll out beings.
Check out Sony’s main attraction for MWC 2015 below.
Xperia Z4 Tablet full specifications and photo gallery.
Xperia M4 Aqua full specifications and photo gallery.
Sony BKB50 Keyboard launched – turns Xperia Z4 Tablet into Laptop.
IP57 Water resistant Sony SBH70 Bluetooth Headset launched.
Sony BSP60 Bluetooth Speakers hands on photos from MWC 2015.
Sony has moved from February to March now for Android Lollipop update, what’s your take on this. Drop your comments below.