White Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Comparison photos – Size, Thickness, Design

Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact are now available in may regions of the world and recently Sony had an event in India launching both devices exclusively. We managed to capture some hands on White Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Size Comparison photos where you will see the difference in contrast of white color body frame of both devices and the thickness comparison.

Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact are somewhat similar device when it comes to most inner hardware configurations like Snapdragon 801 2.5 GHz quad core processor, Adreno 330 GPU, same IP certifications, 20.7 MP rear camera and 2.2 MP front cam, 16 GB internal memory. Where lies the main difference is in screen size, weight, dimensions, battery power and RAM.

Let’s see hands on White Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Comparison pics where we have focused mainly on size and thickness comparison. There is a slight difference in the contrast of white color frame of both devices.

White Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Comparison

Xperia Z3 is 146 x 72 x 7.3 mm in dimension while Xperia Z3 Compact is 127 x 64.9 x 8.6 mm.

White Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Comparison

If you have noticed in above pic that speaker grill of Xperia Z3 is in black color while Xperia Z3 is in white color, though both having white color body frame.

White Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact

Xperia Z3 speaker grill

Location of sensors and front camera in both devices are different.

Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact

Location of 3.5 mm headphone jack is also different in both devices.

White Xperia Z3 Compact vs Z3

Xperia Z3 3.5 mm headphone jack location

Xperia Z3 Compact 3.5 m headphone port

3.5 mm headphone port location Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact

Location of secondary microphone is different in both devices.

Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Size comparison

Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact size

Xperia Z3 is 146 mm long while Xperia Z3 Compact is 127 mm long.

Xperia Z3 Compact Size comparison against Z3

Xperia Z3 is 7.3 mm thin while Xperia Z3 Compact is 8.6 mm thick, you can see the difference.

Xperia Z3 Thickness vs Z3 Compact

Xperia Z3 Compact Thickness 8.6 mm

Elegant White Xperia Z3 compact hands on

Z3 Compact thickness vs Xperia Z3

White Xperia Z3 thickness 7.3 mm

White color contrast different between Z3 and Z3 Compact

Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact Thickness

White Xperia Z3 thickness vs Z3 Compact comparison

Xperia Z3 rear side hands on

Presence of LED flash in both phones are at different location.

Xperia Z3 vs Xperia Z3 Camera

20.7 MP rear camera comparison Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact

Xperia Z3 vs Z3 Compact White Color difference

Buy Xperia Z3, Z3 Compact in India

What say guys which one you are looking to buy in India ? Xperia Z3 Compact is truly a beautiful device especially the white unit, while moving from Xperia Z2 to Xperia Z3 will not be a good idea if you ask us.

Check the Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact listing on Flipkart in India to buy at discounted price of Rs 49990 and Rs 42990 respectively.

Will you buying one this time or you want to wait for Xperia Z4 series, let us know. Like the above post, drop your comments below.

Elegant White Xperia Z3 unboxing hands on photos

Sony’s latest flagship Xperia Z3 is now available for pre-orders and will hit soon market for sale but before that many have already grabbed it and today we are featuring elegant white Xperia Z3 unboxing hands on photos. Yesterday we came up with Black Xperia Z3 Dual D6633 unboxing hands on photos.

Xperia Z3 features 2.5 GHz quad core Snapdragon 801 processor, Adreno 330 GPU, 3 GB RAM, internal storage 16 GB packed in 7.3 mm slim aluminium frame. 5.2″ FHD screen with Triluminos Mobile display, featuring Android 4.4 KitKat out of the box. It has 20.7 MP rear cam, 2.2 MP front cam and a healthy 3100 mAh battery with IP65/68 certifications.

 Elegant White Xperia Z3 unboxing

Below you will see Elegant White Xperia Z3 unboxing and hands on photos ( Xperia Z3 L55t China Mobile 4G version is presented below ).

White Xperia Z3 L55t 4g China Mobile
White Xperia Z3 unboxing video
White Xperia Z3 box
White Xperia Z3 box cover
White Xperia Z3 unboxing
White Xperia Z3 Screen cover
White Xperia Z3 screenguard
White Xperia Z3 out of box
White Xperia Z3 picture
White Xperia Z3
White Xperia Z3 design
White Xperia Z3 ratings
White Xperia Z3 hand on review
White Xperia Z3 pics White Xperia Z3 display
White Xperia Z3 hands on pics
White Xperia Z3 pics
White Xperia Z3 review
White Xperia Z3 hands on

Like Xperia Z3 in White ? Which is your favorite color Xperia Z3 unit ? Let us know. Drop your comments below.

Source – Digi-Wo, Photos by Zack.