Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Themes suit – 8 Color Themes

Today Google will unveil officially Android 5.0 i.e. Android L along with Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 hopefully but we will definitely see the new material design in next android version as spotted in developer preview. New Android version means new Android themes based on material design and all manufacturers will be customizing the themes for their device.

Before the release of Android L 5.0, XDA RC niaboc79 came  up with Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Themes suit as his Material Design Project where complete set of different colored Xperia themes will be launched. He has already released 7-8 Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Themes which are simply awesome in design and look.

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Blue Theme

To install all themes posted in this post you need rooted Xperia handset with SuperUser Mod installed.

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot OR try pushing the apk in system/app folder > set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot.

Download Material_Design_Blue.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Blue Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 Themes

Xperia Android 5.0 Blue Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Copper Theme

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot.

Download Material_Design_Copper.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Copper Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Emerald Theme

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot.

Download Material_Design_Emerald.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Emerald Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Green Theme

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot.

Download Material_Design_Green.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Green Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Orange Theme

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot.

Download Material_Design_Orange.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Orange Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Purple Theme

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot.

Download Material_Design_Purple.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Purple Theme

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Red Theme

Download theme apk from below below and install normally, reboot.

Download Material_Design_Red.apk

Xperia Android 5.0 L Material Design Red Theme

Install the themes on your device and let us know if you like them. Drop your comments below.

Install Xperia LmaniaC Theme based on Android L UI

We have seen so many Android L Xperia themes so far, today we came across Xperia LmaniaC Theme based on Android L UI and it is one of the best Android L themes available, courtesy of XDA user vindows18. It is compatible with rooted Android 4.3 and Android 4.4 running Xperia devices.

You get Android L style soft navigation keys, white green theme system UI with customized scrubbers. Icons of system settings are changed following Android L design. Install the apk as normal apk otherwise push in system/app folder, set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot.

Xperia LmaniaC Theme

Download Xperia LmaniaC Theme from below. White status bar is not included in the theme.

Download LmaniaC1.2New.apk [ Link Updated ]

Xperia LmaniaC Theme

Xperia LmaniaC Theme apk

Download Xperia LmaniaC Theme

Let us know if you like the theme. Drop your comments below.

Install Xperia Android L theme with customized System UI

On the very next day of announcing Android L developer preview at Google I/O 2014 event, Google released images for Nexus devices and developers started building ports from them. We have already shared Xperia Android L theme with you but this time we are sharing another Xperia Android L theme with customized System UI which is quite good than previous one.

New Xperia Android L theme with customized System UI, courtesy of XDA recognized themer funky0308. You get android L styled navigation bar with customized soft keys, status bar, home screen and lock screen wallpapers. In system you get white colored background UI with light green color ascent with yellowish green scrubbers and customized settings icons to get stock android effect.

Xperia Android L theme

It works on rooted Xperia handsets running android 4.4+ versions. ( You can also try it on android 4.3+ running devices ). Download the theme apk from below and push it in system/app folder, set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot. To do so follow these steps.

Download xThemeL.apk

Xperia Android L theme apk

Xperia xThemeL apk

Xperia Z1 Android L Theme UI

Download Android L Themes

For non rooted users theme will only change lock screen and home screen wallpapers. For non rooted user Xperia Android L theme here.

Install the theme on your Xperia device and let us know if you like it. Drop your comments below