Taking the idea from LG G3 Theme, XDA user JanM RS has come up with Xperia LG G3 Theme for all Xperia devices running android 4.4.2+ devices. It will work on rooted Xperia devices only. You get official LG G3 wallpapers in lockscreen and homescreen.
Xperia LG G3 Theme gives you customized soft navigation keys like LG G3 with Prussian Blue ascent color in theme UI. No change in system icons are noticed.
Xperia LG G3 Theme
Download Xperia LG G3 Theme from below and install like a normal apk or push in system/app folder, set permissions rw- r– r– and reboot.
Download LG G3.apk
Install Xperia LG G3 theme on your Xperia devices and let us know if it works. Drop your comments below in case you are facing any issues.