How to Enable Multi-Window mode on Xperia phone running Marshmallow

Earlier when Google announced Android M at Google I/O 2015, multi-window mode was spotted in the earlier developer preview images released which was not seen in the final release of Android Marshmallow on devices.

It looks like a simple tweak in the build.prop file of your Xperia smartphone running Android 6.0 Marshmallow will enable Multi-Window mode on your device.

How to Enable Multi-Window mode on Xperia phone

Before proceeding make sure your Xperia device is running Android 6.0+ Marshmallow and is rooted.

Do make a backup of your current build.prop file.

  1. Using any root file manager navigate to system/build.prop
  2. Find “” (it must be written as
  3. Replace the “user” to “userdebug
  4. Save and reboot
  5. After rebooting, go to developer settings > drawing category and then “Enable Multi-Window”.

Enable Multi-Window mode on Xperia phone

How to Enable Multi-Window mode on Xperia phone

Now you can use multi-window feature on your Xperia device.

Do share with us if you are able to use this feature properly on your smartphone. Drop your comments below.

Source – XDA (shared by Laz, Great Work!)