The rise of online mobile gaming has been pronounced in recent times, with the revenue generated through this platform having topped 10.68 billion Euros in 2014. This not only underlines the popularity of mobile gaming, but it also suggests that consumers may be increasingly keen to purchase handsets based on their display, audio and quality of graphics. This is a key market development, and one that is having a huge influence on designers and manufacturers around the world.
In some respects, the decision facing gamers is based more on operating systems than handsets alone. While Apple’s iOS 7 and 8 platforms have dominated in recent times, the market as evolved and diversified to drive more intense levels of competition. There are now more than 1.55 million apps and games available on the Google-powered Android platform, for example, while these experiences are available across a wider range of handsets.
We have also seen the Windows 10 platform emerge on the market during the last 12 months, with this highly-evolved system available on selected handsets that boast outstanding design features and large displays.
While this covers the broad range of available options, it is important to consider the latest updates available on the platforms. Android’s current 5.0 Lollipop system currently offers a huge range of games and an intuitive design, for example, although this is set to be updated shortly an it may take a while for the details to hit individual handsets. In this respect, iOS may offer a more reliable offering at present while it also tends to dominate in terms of exclusive games.
The final step is to make a decision based on the types of game that you play. Those with complex graphics and detail may require evolved handsets on the iOS platform, for example, whereas players that check out luck with online bingo must rely on technically advanced handsets with excellent processing power.
With these points in mind, you can make a structured and informed decision that helps you to identify the best possible handset.